
Restore your smile with a set of full or partial dentures. Dentures can be secured into place using dental implants and are customised to fit you perfectly. 

What are dentures?

Dentures are custom-made false teeth used to improve the look and function of your smile after tooth loss or several tooth extractions. Dentures used to be removable but today they can be secured into place with the help of attachments like dental implants. 

Complete dentures are made up of artificial teeth attached to a denture base which acts as the foundation for your teeth. Partial dentures are made up of several artificial teeth and base with a framework to help keep them in place.

What you need to know

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It can take four or more appointments to fit your dentures properly. During your consultation, our dentists will assess your teeth, mouth and gums and take a 3D scan of your mouth. If you need a tooth extraction, we can fit you with temporary “immediate dentures” right after the surgery. We will usually require a follow-up appointment within the first week so that we can keep an eye on the healing process. We may need to make small adjustments to your dentures in the first 3-6 months and a relining appointment in the first 6 to 12 months. 

Complete and Partial Dentures

There are two main types of dentures: complete and partial dentures. Complete dentures are a set of false teeth that replace all the teeth in the lower or upper or lower jaw.

Partial dentures only replace the teeth that are missing and may be used as an alternative to dental bridges or implants. We can fit temporary dentures after a tooth extraction or fit you with your permanent set once your gums have healed.

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What to expect at your denture appointments

Gentle Dental internal offices and signage


30 minute consultation for your initial appointment 


At least four appointments for creating and fitting 


Adjustment and refittings during months 3, 6 and 12 


Customised dentures that fit you perfectly 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are dentures painful?

You may experience some initial discomfort as you get used to wearing your dentures, especially if you have had extraction surgery. Long-term, your dentures should not hurt. In fact, they should fit you perfectly and feel comfortable to wear. 

How do I clean my dentures?

Your dentures need to be cleaned every day and night. If your dentures are removable, you can clean them with a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush them gently like you would your natural teeth. Dissolving a denture cleaning tablet in a glass of water is a great way to ensure your dentures don’t stain over time.  

How many appointments does it take to get dentures?

It takes at least four appointments to properly fit your dentures. At the initial consultation, we’ll assess your teeth, mouth and gums and take a 3D scan of your mouth. Any tooth extractions will happen in between your assessment and the creation of your dentures. It can take several appointment to ensure your dentures are fitting properly. 

Is it difficult to eat with dentures?

It will take some time to get used to your new dentures. For the first couple of weeks, you may find it uncomfortable or a bit more difficult to eat with your dentures in. Your dentist will recommend starting off by eating soft foods or small pieces of food until you get used to chewing with them in. In a few weeks, you should be able to eat normally. You should still avoid eating hard or sticky foods with your dentures.