
Find Your Perfect Teeth Whitening Solution

The main benefit of teeth whitening is achieving a whiter, brighter smile. For many people, stained or discoloured teeth can make them feel self-conscious about their smile.

Teeth whitening: what option is best for you?

Teeth whitening has become a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure in recent years with hundreds of products, toothpaste and whitening kits on the market. But with so many treatments to choose from, how do you know what is right for you? 

What is the benefit of teeth whitening?

The main benefit of teeth whitening is achieving a whiter, brighter smile. For many people, stained or discoloured teeth can make them feel self-conscious.

Teeth can become stained as we age. Drinking red wine, tea or coffee or smoking for a long time can discolour your teeth. Teeth whitening treatments help to remove surface stains and restore teeth to their natural shade of white. 

Some studies suggest that people with whiter teeth are less likely to develop dental cavities. 

If you've invested time in whitening your teeth, it's a good idea to prioritise your oral health by scheduling regular checkups with your dentist.

Before undergoing in-house teeth whitening treatments, your dentist will assess your oral health and treat any signs of cavities, decay or gum disease first.

Teeth whitening: what option is best for me?

Not all whitening treatments are created equal. Some treatments are more cost effective and last longer than others. 

Whitening toothpastes

Whitening toothpastes are one of the most affordable ways to achieve a brighter smile. While regular toothpaste will remove some surface stains from your tooth enamel whitening toothpastes contain a range of course ingredients and a whitening product for improved stain removal.

Course ingredients like silica remove stains by scrubbing against the surface of the tooth. The main problem with these ingredients is that they also scrub against the more sensitive parts of your mouth and can irritate your gums. 

It’s important to know that whitening toothpaste won’t change the underlying colour of your teeth. They can only remove surface level stains as the ingredients can’t penetrate the enamel to remove deeper stains.

Whitening strips

Whitening strips are easy to use and readily available. Compared to whitening toothpastes they are also more effective. Whitening strips contain peroxide or other lightening chemicals that lighten teeth and will make a noticeable difference.

There are downsides to using whitening strips. Overexposure to bleach can damage or weaken tooth enamel and make teeth look blue, grey or even translucent. Some people will also find their teeth and gums feel more sensitive after using these strips regularly. 

Whitening strips may not cover your teeth evenly and can result in white patches rather than evenly lightened teeth. Some strips are also expensive. Since the results aren’t permanent, you may need to use them two to three times a year to keep teeth whitened.

At home whitening kits

At-home teeth whitening kits fall into two categories – off the shelf kits and customised take-home kits. While off-the-shelf kits are effective at lightening teeth, the mouth trays aren’t made to fit your teeth. The end results may be patchy and there’s a higher chance the gel will get on your gums and cause irritation.

Customised take-home kits are usually only available through a dental practice. Your dentist will fit you with a tray molded to the shape of your teeth. Once these trays are ready, you can then take them home, apply the whitening gel to the trays and let them work their magic.

Kits with customised trays are more comfortable to wear. They also distribute the whitening gel more evenly across your smile. 

In-practice teeth whitening

In-practice teeth whitening is one of the fastest and most effective ways to lighten your smile. Treatment takes between 45 and 90 minutes and can dramatically improve the colour of your teeth. 

During treatment, your dentist will apply a whitening gel to your teeth and use a LED light to activate the lightening process. 

While in-practice teeth whitening is the most expensive option, it also provides the most value for money. Professional teeth whitening can last for years with the right care. It’s also relatively fast. Most people will see great results after one session. 

Why choose in-practice teeth whitening?

In-practice whitening is the safest option for lightening your teeth. Before your whitening appointment a dentist will make sure that you are a good candidate for treatment. 

During the consultation your dentist will examine your mouth, teeth and gums looking for any signs of decay, cavities or gum disease. It’s important to fix any dental problems before undergoing whitening treatment. 

Interested in teeth whitening in Wellington, Lower Hutt or Upper Hutt?

With four dental practices across the Wellington Region, we make it easy to reach your smile goals. Book a teeth whitening consultation at one of our practices today.