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How to Talk to Your Child About the Dentist: A Stress-Free Guide for Parents
Not sure what to tell your child about their upcoming trip to the dentist? These tips can help. ...
Fluoride in New Zealand’s Water: Safe, Effective, and Backed by Science
If you are concerned about fluoride exposure, the latest research from New Zealand’s health community may put your mind at ...
CEREC & Digital Dentistry: The Benefits You Need To Know
Digital dentistry has lots of benefits. With advanced technology dentists can make surgery more accurate, procedures more comfortable and even ...
Teething 101: How to Care for Your Baby’s First Teeth and Gums
You can expect your baby’s teeth to come in around the six-month mark, but there’s no right or wrong time ...
How do I Treat Gum Disease?
If you’re suffering from sore gums, bleeding when you brush or floss, or stinky breath, you might have gum disease. ...
We’ve all heard it before – ‘look after your teeth, or they’ll rot away!’. It’s the mantra that we were all subject to from our parents, grandparents and dentists growing up. It can lose all meaning after you’ve heard it enough times. We all know it’s important to brush your teeth twice a day, but it’s easy to forget that it’s important to do it for two full minutes, or that daily flossing is equally essential to keeping teeth-related ailments away. So let this be another fun and informative reminder – Here are five reasons why it’s important to look after your Teeth!
Quality of Life
Going through life free of dental problems or complications is a luxury afforded by surprisingly few people. In fact, around half of all people in the world suffer from some sort of teeth ailment, and most unfortunately do not get the proper treatment when these problems arise due to poor access to health care in their area. If you are lucky enough to be one of those who has healthy teeth, you owe it to yourself to take care of them every day!
Reduced Health Problems
Teeth related health problems are common but they can turn into debilitating, sometimes life threatening illnesses – these include periodontal disease, heart disease, dementia, diabetes and osteoporosis. What may seem like a harmless lapse in your oral care routine can come back to haunt you later in life, sometimes in extreme ways! When you consider how easy it is to brush, floss and visit the dentist regularly, the payoff is much bigger than some first realise.
The most immediate and tangible way that dental problems can hit you where it hurts is at the bank! The smaller investments that seem like a pain at the time – an upgrade to your tooth brush, oral care items that bump up the supermarket docket or regular visits to the dentist are a drop in the ocean compared to the bills that can ramp up in insurance and medical bills if things are left to get out of hand. It’s worth making the small investments now to avoid the big kickers later in life.
Life Expectancy
When it comes down to it, the most dramatic effects of bad oral hygiene can and will shorten the lives of those who don’t take it seriously. A study has revealed that those who still have all of their real teeth at the age of 74 are far more likely to live to age 100, while those who had lost five or more teeth by the age of 65 have a heightened chance of premature death. On that somewhat depressing note, let’s end with…
A Better Smile!
It’s fair to say that most of us appreciate the times when someone gives you a smile, out of the blue. What can be reduced down to a simple movement of face muscles can lift your own or other people’s days immensely. Having a great smile is something many take for granted when considering the amount of people who are hindered by dental problems that make them embarrassed to show off their pearly whites! That’s why we believe it’s worth taking care of your teeth – for your smile, if nothing else.
No matter how old you are or from what walk of life you come, there’s no denying that maintaining regular and correct oral hygiene practices will do you nothing but good. It may come at a small cost in the short term, but here at Gentle Dental we believe that you’ll always thank yourself later on.